dr strangelove or : how i learned to stop caring and hate soap operas
Published Sunday, May 08, 2005 by anish | E-mail this post 
part 1 : marathi soaps
After the end of the melodramatic extravaganza called 'Avantika', new entrants have filled the void which try to diminish my joy of Avantika's demise. Here's a choice pick of mine, some unknown serial I was forced to watch at my grandma's. The scene is, one newlywed couple is honeymooning in france.
A list of things that were wrong in that episode :
- The *newlywed* groom takes his mother and mentally retarded sister along with him to his honeymoon.
- They hire a private plane to take them to France. Its shown to be a prop driven Cessna. A prop driven plane that takes off from Pune and lands straight in Paris. Didn't know props had become that advanced did you ?
- The couple is shown going to France. O'course they dont actually go to france, they are shown honeymooning in the Corinthian instead. Yeah, the one in Pune. Apparently France and Greece are the same now.
- They drive around in France in a Ford Ikon with a MH-12 number plate.
- They find a marathi speaking nanny for the retarded sister, who gets conviniently lost and drives away in the Ikon.
- A close up of the apparently rented French Ikon key shows the words Vijaya Bajaj clearly.
- The backgrounds seen in France show among other things Maruti Omnis, Pulsars and dark men in lungis working the gardens.
- They visit a beach in Paris. A *beach* in Paris. Didn't know Paris had one of those did ya ?
- The bride insists on seeing the 'Eiffel cha minara'. Eiffel must have turned in his grave.
- The serial is interrupted from time to time with actual shots of Paris to prove they really are in France. Shots always showing the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower at night, even though the couple is just waking up.
I will try my best to get the name of this serial. If anybody knows, please feel free to comment. Next blog on hindi soaps...